Category: technology
Khanmigo Offers A Glimpse of what AI can do to help future education
I am a fan of Sal Kahn, the person who not only founded Kahn Academy, but also have been working tirelessly to help better education for the past twenty years. The fact that he does not seek a monetary profit is enough for me to respect him. And the fact that he cares for and…
Platform or Specialization? Maybe it is both
I have been pondering with a “barbell effect” in the ongoing economy. Take Amazon as an example. It is obviously dominating the e-commerce world, and it is continuously growing. But is it a winner-take-all situation? Actually no. We see a plethora of e-commerce platform thriving all at the same time, such as Pinterest, Shopify, Temu……
Why is Africa Poor? Social Intuitions
I have been doing research in the area of providing affordable and clean energy to Africa for years. During these years, I have always, in the back of mind, suspected that we need to look closely at the role of social institutions. My intuition was confirmed when I read the work of Daron Acemoglu and…