To a consumer who is considering purchasing an EV, range anxiety is a real thing, even though the name may suggest it is psychological. Moreover, range anxiety has multiple...
In managerial decision making, many time we need more than just an optimal decision. Often we would like to know how my results change if I change my decision in a certain...
I am a fan of Bill Gates. But the reason I bring his name up in here is because he just demonstrated the power of logical thinking, something very important in Excel modeling....
Yesterday, as I was reading a book about Blackstone, the famed asset management company, something caught my attention. It was about how one of its executives describing...
I recently came across an interesting summary table on median condo prices in the Great Boston area (re-created in Excel below; original data from the Boston Magazine, whose...
Many of my students are heavy Uber users. So I asked them one day, “What do you guess should Uber’s monthly ride number be in the US?” It turned out to be a...
Pareto chart, put simply, is a sorted frequency chart. It is used mainly for identifying the most frequent occurrences in a collected sample. Some business-situation questions...
Scenario analysis (also called What-ifs) is an indispensable part of business decision models. What is demand is only half of predicted? What if conversion rate is 50% higher?...